CAD 2D / ProE 3D Drawing and Drafting Services described in FLECONN's Terms
CAD 2D drawing/drafting services refer to drafting by surveying and mapping the sample from customer and providing corresponding two-dimensional view service, or to drawing and providing the corresponding two-dimensional view service according to the specific requirements of customers. Thus customers can carry out the design review, producing and processing products according to the 2D view.
CAD 2D drawing refers to respectively drawing the product shape or profile projection in the plane of x, y or x, z or y, z, and marking the length, width, height, then it can express a complete entity based on three view drawing and profile. Views can be cut to show a cross-section, a 2 dimensional view of the inside surfaces. Views can be shown looking down (plan view or top view) or facing the object (elevation or side view).
Proe 3D drawing/drafting services refers to drafting and providing corresponding three-dimensional diagram by the sample or specific requirements from customers. 3D model can vividly show the ideas from customers, and it can be constantly improved according to the requirements of the customer until the customer is satisfied with the 3D drawing. For the internal structure of product, we can dissect cross-section and make customers have a complete understanding the internal structure of physical objects.
ProE 3D graphics software is a high performance 3D graphics software, it can provide x, y, z three coordinate views. You can view all kinds of size. At the same time, you can transfer Pro/E 3D Drawing into CAD 2D view, thus greatly save the time of drawing CAD 2D view. Once you complete 3D drafting, 2D view will come out. 3D graphics can effectively realize the communication between the originator of demand and product designer, product designer and production department, and reduce the differences in the communication.